Custom Development

Individual Modeling and Simulation Solutions

In the surrounding of our development tool MLDesigner, many customers trust in our service. Our experienced members of staff can create not only models of your systems and processes according to your specifications, they are also able to support you with requirements analysis, the compilation of specifications and the interpretation of system simulations.

Use of our service enables you to take advantage of our developers´ know-how and retains your flexibility of assignment of personnel. Based on your custom models, you can analyze and optimize your system or develop an ompimal solution as part of a joint project.

If you are interested in customized modeling, please contact us via email: support[@)

Tailored Development of Software Features

To facilitate your own projects, our developers can furthermore add custom features to our software tools. For example, we can add interfaces to external programs to provide specific information or functions within your simulation models. We can also support you with graphical user interfaces, e.g. for simulation control and visualization, that are tailored to your specific needs.

If you are interested in custom features for our software products, please send an email with details to: support[(_at_))mldesigner(_dot_)de